Selection of differentially expressed genes.

# S4 method for micro_array,micro_array,numeric
  data_log = TRUE,
  wanted.patterns = NULL,
  forbidden.patterns = NULL,
  peak = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  Design = NULL,
  lfc = 0

# S4 method for list,list,numeric
  data_log = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  cont = FALSE,
  lfc = 0,
  f.asso = NULL

# S4 method for micro_array,numeric
  y = NULL,
  data_log = TRUE,
  durPeak = c(1, 1),
  abs_val = TRUE,
  alpha_diff = 0.05



either a micro_array object or a list of micro_array objects. In the first case, the micro_array object represents the stimulated measurements. In the second case, the control unstimulated data (if present) should be the first element of the list.


either a micro_array object or a list of strings. In the first case, the micro_array object represents the stimulated measurements. In the second case, the list is the way to specify the contrast:

First element:

condition, condition&time or pattern. The condition specification is used when the overall is to compare two conditions. The condition&time specification is used when comparing two conditions at two precise time points. The pattern specification allows to decide which time point should be differentially expressed.

Second element:

a vector of length 2. The two conditions which should be compared. If a condition is used as control, it should be the first element of the vector. However, if this control is not measured throught time, the option cont=TRUE should be used.

Third element:

depends on the first element. It is no needed if condition has been specified. If condition&time has been specified, then this is a vector containing the time point at which the comparison should be done. If pattern has been specified, then this is a vector of 0 and 1 of length T, where T is the number of time points. The time points with desired differential expression are provided with 1.


an integer. The number of selected genes. If tot.number <0 all differentially genes are selected. If tot.number > 1, tot.number is the maximum of diffenrtially genes that will be selected. If 0<tot.number<1, tot.number represents the proportion of diffenrentially genes that are selected.


logical (default to TRUE); should data be logged ?


a matrix with wanted patterns [only for geneSelection].


a matrix with forbidden patterns [only for geneSelection].


interger. At which time points measurements should the genes be selected [optionnal for geneSelection].


float; the risk level. Default to `alpha=0.05`


the design matrix of the experiment. Defaults to `NULL`.


log fold change value used in limma's `topTable`. Defaults to 0.


use contrasts. Defaults to `FALSE`.


function used to assess the association between the genes. The default value `NULL` implies the use of the usual `mean` function.


vector of size 2 (default to c(1,1)) ; the first elements gives the length of the peak at the left, the second at the right. [only for genePeakSelection]


logical (default to TRUE) ; should genes be selected on the basis of their absolute value expression ? [only for genePeakSelection]


float; the risk level


A micro_array object.


Jung, N., Bertrand, F., Bahram, S., Vallat, L., and Maumy-Bertrand, M. (2014). Cascade: a R-package to study, predict and simulate the diffusion of a signal through a temporal gene network. Bioinformatics, btt705.

Vallat, L., Kemper, C. A., Jung, N., Maumy-Bertrand, M., Bertrand, F., Meyer, N., ... & Bahram, S. (2013). Reverse-engineering the genetic circuitry of a cancer cell with predicted intervention in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(2), 459-464.


Nicolas Jung, Frédéric Bertrand , Myriam Maumy-Bertrand.


# \donttest{

  #Basically, to find the 50 more significant expressed genes you will use:
  #If we want to select genes that are differentially 
  #at time t60 or t90 :

  #To select genes that have a differential maximum of expression at a specific time point.
#> Loading required package: CascadeData
#> Loading required package: limma
#> Loading required package: cluster
#>       US60               US90             US210            US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.44125   Min.   :-0.8100   Min.   :-1.560   Min.   :-1.0414  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.08878   1st Qu.:-0.1214   1st Qu.: 1.178   1st Qu.: 0.7883  
#>  Median : 0.06389   Median : 0.0170   Median : 1.537   Median : 1.2396  
#>  Mean   : 0.29793   Mean   : 0.3231   Mean   : 1.509   Mean   : 1.1426  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.18056   3rd Qu.: 0.1667   3rd Qu.: 1.919   3rd Qu.: 1.5070  
#>  Max.   : 2.86440   Max.   : 4.2847   Max.   : 3.673   Max.   : 4.6843  
#>       US60              US90              US210             US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.9303   Min.   :-0.12274   Min.   :-1.2161   Min.   :-0.9591  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.4365   1st Qu.: 0.05945   1st Qu.: 0.8696   1st Qu.: 0.4383  
#>  Median :-0.2202   Median : 0.15432   Median : 1.1855   Median : 0.7457  
#>  Mean   :-0.1439   Mean   : 0.43625   Mean   : 1.2308   Mean   : 0.7790  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.0282   3rd Qu.: 0.29036   3rd Qu.: 1.6403   3rd Qu.: 1.0575  
#>  Max.   : 2.0267   Max.   : 3.37588   Max.   : 2.6157   Max.   : 4.6113  
#>       US60               US90              US210            US390       
#>  Min.   :-0.62452   Min.   :-0.53921   Min.   :-1.653   Min.   :-1.611  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.03412   1st Qu.:-0.03297   1st Qu.: 1.402   1st Qu.: 0.812  
#>  Median : 0.06132   Median : 0.09073   Median : 1.779   Median : 1.091  
#>  Mean   : 0.34579   Mean   : 0.68574   Mean   : 1.836   Mean   : 1.075  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.13643   3rd Qu.: 0.77977   3rd Qu.: 2.231   3rd Qu.: 1.412  
#>  Max.   : 3.31723   Max.   : 4.36036   Max.   : 4.271   Max.   : 4.506  
#>       US60               US90              US210             US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.33647   Min.   :-0.46488   Min.   :-0.8332   Min.   :-0.5609  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.02169   1st Qu.:-0.06483   1st Qu.: 0.7915   1st Qu.: 0.4747  
#>  Median : 0.04853   Median : 0.04034   Median : 1.0525   Median : 0.6206  
#>  Mean   : 0.22706   Mean   : 0.44077   Mean   : 1.1166   Mean   : 0.7000  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.18651   3rd Qu.: 0.59738   3rd Qu.: 1.4347   3rd Qu.: 0.8204  
#>  Max.   : 1.82903   Max.   : 3.60640   Max.   : 2.9587   Max.   : 3.2116  
#>       US60               US90              US210             US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.46722   Min.   :-0.46073   Min.   :-1.0271   Min.   :-1.0395  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.17848   1st Qu.:-0.02118   1st Qu.: 0.8441   1st Qu.: 0.4687  
#>  Median :-0.09357   Median : 0.13574   Median : 1.2569   Median : 0.7384  
#>  Mean   : 0.13903   Mean   : 0.47404   Mean   : 1.2451   Mean   : 0.7381  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.04130   3rd Qu.: 0.60663   3rd Qu.: 1.7215   3rd Qu.: 0.9835  
#>  Max.   : 2.31074   Max.   : 3.24454   Max.   : 2.5446   Max.   : 3.4299  
#>       US60               US90               US210            US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.19230   Min.   :-0.688731   Min.   :-1.472   Min.   :-1.2069  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.02128   1st Qu.: 0.009111   1st Qu.: 1.100   1st Qu.: 0.5209  
#>  Median : 0.02499   Median : 0.176150   Median : 1.419   Median : 0.8359  
#>  Mean   : 0.37176   Mean   : 0.566765   Mean   : 1.391   Mean   : 0.8804  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.12327   3rd Qu.: 0.828888   3rd Qu.: 1.858   3rd Qu.: 1.2084  
#>  Max.   : 3.16035   Max.   : 3.199747   Max.   : 2.803   Max.   : 4.1558  

#>       US60              US90             US210             US390         
#>  Min.   :-2.5257   Min.   :-2.3695   Min.   :-2.2557   Min.   :-1.63142  
#>  1st Qu.:-1.6127   1st Qu.:-0.2866   1st Qu.:-0.2105   1st Qu.:-0.20828  
#>  Median :-0.3778   Median : 0.6600   Median : 0.1241   Median :-0.09562  
#>  Mean   :-0.5575   Mean   : 0.3237   Mean   : 0.2928   Mean   :-0.02706  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.2975   3rd Qu.: 0.8961   3rd Qu.: 0.6911   3rd Qu.: 0.23099  
#>  Max.   : 2.3763   Max.   : 2.4655   Max.   : 2.1848   Max.   : 0.78412  
#>       US60              US90               US210              US390         
#>  Min.   :-2.7932   Min.   :-2.492454   Min.   :-2.61740   Min.   :-1.67813  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.9423   1st Qu.:-0.201708   1st Qu.:-0.26291   1st Qu.:-0.43358  
#>  Median :-0.3059   Median :-0.009419   Median : 0.06493   Median : 0.00995  
#>  Mean   :-0.3262   Mean   : 0.265084   Mean   :-0.02941   Mean   :-0.03069  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.1071   3rd Qu.: 0.620449   3rd Qu.: 0.28656   3rd Qu.: 0.21746  
#>  Max.   : 2.2920   Max.   : 5.318566   Max.   : 1.28785   Max.   : 2.83321  
#>       US60              US90             US210             US390          
#>  Min.   :-2.9444   Min.   :-0.9721   Min.   :-1.5506   Min.   :-1.682560  
#>  1st Qu.:-1.1363   1st Qu.:-0.3163   1st Qu.:-0.8141   1st Qu.:-0.405205  
#>  Median :-0.5098   Median : 0.0250   Median :-0.1471   Median :-0.222479  
#>  Mean   :-0.3967   Mean   : 0.2474   Mean   :-0.1510   Mean   :-0.246058  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.4925   3rd Qu.: 0.6905   3rd Qu.: 0.3529   3rd Qu.:-0.009658  
#>  Max.   : 2.1761   Max.   : 2.5878   Max.   : 1.8377   Max.   : 0.563272  
#>       US60               US90             US210              US390         
#>  Min.   :-2.85438   Min.   :-0.9036   Min.   :-0.50038   Min.   :-0.89875  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.43892   1st Qu.:-0.4123   1st Qu.:-0.10579   1st Qu.:-0.09241  
#>  Median :-0.15123   Median : 0.1225   Median :-0.01508   Median : 0.04142  
#>  Mean   :-0.18276   Mean   : 0.1603   Mean   : 0.06557   Mean   : 0.11943  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.06281   3rd Qu.: 0.6199   3rd Qu.: 0.18144   3rd Qu.: 0.18669  
#>  Max.   : 1.00712   Max.   : 2.2225   Max.   : 1.12214   Max.   : 1.67398  
#>       US60              US90              US210              US390         
#>  Min.   :-1.3800   Min.   :-2.94444   Min.   :-1.01720   Min.   :-1.32176  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.3687   1st Qu.:-0.18634   1st Qu.:-0.11358   1st Qu.:-0.35558  
#>  Median :-0.1100   Median : 0.05601   Median : 0.04743   Median :-0.09259  
#>  Mean   : 0.1080   Mean   : 0.02899   Mean   : 0.07287   Mean   :-0.01982  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.6869   3rd Qu.: 0.48146   3rd Qu.: 0.27237   3rd Qu.: 0.29955  
#>  Max.   : 1.7346   Max.   : 1.09182   Max.   : 0.97792   Max.   : 0.84730  
#>       US60              US90              US210             US390         
#>  Min.   :-1.7918   Min.   :-3.20791   Min.   :-0.5665   Min.   :-0.40829  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.5119   1st Qu.:-0.41715   1st Qu.:-0.0899   1st Qu.:-0.04835  
#>  Median :-0.1389   Median : 0.18232   Median : 0.1129   Median : 0.18232  
#>  Mean   :-0.0530   Mean   : 0.07067   Mean   : 0.2025   Mean   : 0.22579  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.5018   3rd Qu.: 0.66872   3rd Qu.: 0.6079   3rd Qu.: 0.35914  
#>  Max.   : 1.9545   Max.   : 2.11718   Max.   : 0.9111   Max.   : 1.12481  

#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning: cannot compute exact p-value with ties

#>       US60               US90              US210            US390        
#>  Min.   :-2.08980   Min.   :-0.31237   Min.   :0.1792   Min.   :-0.1907  
#>  1st Qu.:-1.97764   1st Qu.:-0.19129   1st Qu.:0.5294   1st Qu.: 0.2341  
#>  Median :-0.47593   Median : 0.04929   Median :0.7023   Median : 0.3501  
#>  Mean   :-0.81483   Mean   : 0.25813   Mean   :0.9934   Mean   : 0.6023  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.09126   3rd Qu.: 0.54588   3rd Qu.:1.6357   3rd Qu.: 0.9610  
#>  Max.   : 0.68123   Max.   : 1.53985   Max.   :2.1467   Max.   : 1.5644  
#>       US60              US90              US210             US390        
#>  Min.   :-2.6684   Min.   :-0.26913   Min.   :0.06714   Min.   :-0.8210  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.8209   1st Qu.:-0.01513   1st Qu.:0.33706   1st Qu.: 0.1477  
#>  Median :-0.6285   Median : 0.43284   Median :0.57086   Median : 0.3322  
#>  Mean   :-0.8521   Mean   : 0.59842   Mean   :1.02346   Mean   : 0.2843  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.5024   3rd Qu.: 0.81355   3rd Qu.:1.95153   3rd Qu.: 0.5248  
#>  Max.   :-0.2160   Max.   : 2.52972   Max.   :2.46712   Max.   : 1.0576  
#>       US60              US90              US210            US390         
#>  Min.   :-1.7362   Min.   :-0.37531   Min.   :0.4137   Min.   :-0.39973  
#>  1st Qu.:-1.2935   1st Qu.:-0.05243   1st Qu.:0.6403   1st Qu.: 0.01476  
#>  Median :-0.6122   Median : 0.15453   Median :0.9058   Median : 0.39314  
#>  Mean   :-0.6003   Mean   : 0.42682   Mean   :1.4471   Mean   : 0.60801  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.1362   3rd Qu.: 0.39540   3rd Qu.:1.7758   3rd Qu.: 1.02303  
#>  Max.   : 1.0030   Max.   : 2.61726   Max.   :4.0489   Max.   : 1.98138  
#>       US60              US90              US210               US390        
#>  Min.   :-0.8031   Min.   :-0.37068   Min.   :-0.004577   Min.   :-0.3330  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.3147   1st Qu.:-0.03856   1st Qu.: 0.380320   1st Qu.: 0.1424  
#>  Median :-0.2022   Median : 0.16561   Median : 0.695225   Median : 0.1763  
#>  Mean   :-0.1834   Mean   : 0.31788   Mean   : 0.845885   Mean   : 0.2404  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.1566   3rd Qu.: 0.39576   3rd Qu.: 1.079119   3rd Qu.: 0.2242  
#>  Max.   : 0.7312   Max.   : 1.85850   Max.   : 2.131919   Max.   : 1.1892  
#>       US60               US90             US210             US390         
#>  Min.   :-1.44692   Min.   :-0.2031   Min.   :-0.2513   Min.   :-0.22907  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.58974   1st Qu.: 0.1317   1st Qu.: 0.3010   1st Qu.: 0.01654  
#>  Median :-0.30087   Median : 0.1696   Median : 0.4453   Median : 0.23275  
#>  Mean   :-0.37780   Mean   : 0.3969   Mean   : 0.7177   Mean   : 0.31001  
#>  3rd Qu.:-0.09775   3rd Qu.: 0.5669   3rd Qu.: 1.0310   3rd Qu.: 0.61957  
#>  Max.   : 0.35066   Max.   : 1.4722   Max.   : 2.4299   Max.   : 1.02008  
#>       US60               US90              US210            US390         
#>  Min.   :-1.09861   Min.   :-0.11204   Min.   :0.3050   Min.   :-0.09353  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.54020   1st Qu.: 0.04746   1st Qu.:0.5177   1st Qu.: 0.22531  
#>  Median :-0.11493   Median : 0.11738   Median :0.6666   Median : 0.51500  
#>  Mean   :-0.22662   Mean   : 0.33689   Mean   :1.0728   Mean   : 0.74727  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.03167   3rd Qu.: 0.21122   3rd Qu.:1.5670   3rd Qu.: 0.91661  
#>  Max.   : 0.75524   Max.   : 2.05415   Max.   :2.5510   Max.   : 2.28725  

#Genes with differential expression at t1
Selection1<-geneSelection(x=micro_S,y=micro_US,20,wanted.patterns= rbind(c(1,0,0,0)))
#Genes with differential expression at t2
Selection2<-geneSelection(x=micro_S,y=micro_US,20,wanted.patterns= rbind(c(0,1,0,0)))
#Genes with differential expression at t3
Selection3<-geneSelection(x=micro_S,y=micro_US,20,wanted.patterns= rbind(c(0,0,1,0)))
#Genes with differential expression at t4
Selection4<-geneSelection(x=micro_S,y=micro_US,20,wanted.patterns= rbind(c(0,0,0,1)))
#Genes with global differential expression 

#We then merge these selections:

#Prints the correlation graphics Figure 4:

##Uncomment this code to retrieve geneids.
#ff<-function(x){substr(x, 1, nchar(x)-3)}
##Here is the function to transform the probeset names to gene ID.
#x <- hgu133plus2SYMBOL
#xx <- unlist(as.list(x[mp]))
#genes_all = xx[(n)]
#> Error in dimnames(x) <- dn: 'dimnames' applied to non-array
# }