creates groups of variables based on thresholding the input matrix.
group_func_1(absXcor, c0)
A numeric matrix. The absolute value of a correlation or distance matrix.
A numeric scalar. The thresholding
A list with one entry: the list of groups. Attributes:
"type": "normal"
"length.groups" the length of each groups.
This is a function used to create a list of groups using an input matrix and a thresholding value c0. A group is made, for every column in the input matrix.
selectBoost: a general algorithm to enhance the performance of variable selection methods in correlated datasets, Frédéric Bertrand, Ismaïl Aouadi, Nicolas Jung, Raphael Carapito, Laurent Vallat, Seiamak Bahram, Myriam Maumy-Bertrand, Bioinformatics, 2020. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa855