This function implements k-fold cross-validation on complete or incomplete datasets for partial least squares regression models

cv.plsR(object, ...)
# S3 method for default
K=5, NK=1, grouplist=NULL, random=TRUE, scaleX=TRUE, 
scaleY=NULL, keepcoeffs=FALSE, keepfolds=FALSE, keepdataY=TRUE, 
keepMclassed=FALSE, tol_Xi=10^(-12), weights, verbose=TRUE,...)
# S3 method for formula
K=5, NK=1, grouplist=NULL, random=TRUE, scaleX=TRUE, 
scaleY=NULL, keepcoeffs=FALSE, keepfolds=FALSE, keepdataY=TRUE, 
keepMclassed=FALSE, tol_Xi=10^(-12), weights,subset,contrasts=NULL, verbose=TRUE,...)
PLS_lm_kfoldcv(dataY, dataX, nt = 2, limQ2set = 0.0975, modele = "pls", 
K = 5, NK = 1, grouplist = NULL, random = TRUE, scaleX = TRUE, 
scaleY = NULL, keepcoeffs = FALSE, keepfolds = FALSE, keepdataY = TRUE, 
keepMclassed=FALSE, tol_Xi = 10^(-12), weights, verbose=TRUE)
K=5, NK=1, grouplist=NULL, random=TRUE, scaleX=TRUE, 
scaleY=NULL, keepcoeffs=FALSE, keepfolds=FALSE, keepdataY=TRUE, 
keepMclassed=FALSE, tol_Xi=10^(-12), weights,subset,contrasts=NULL,verbose=TRUE)



response (training) dataset or an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under 'Details'.


response (training) dataset


predictor(s) (training) dataset


an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under 'Details'.


an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which plsRglm is called.


number of components to be extracted


limit value for the Q2


name of the PLS model to be fitted, only ("pls" available for this fonction.


number of groups. Defaults to 5.


number of times the group division is made


to specify the members of the K groups


should the K groups be made randomly. Defaults to TRUE


scale the predictor(s) : must be set to TRUE for modele="pls" and should be for glms pls.


scale the response : Yes/No. Ignored since non always possible for glm responses.


shall the coefficients for each model be returned


shall the groups' composition be returned


shall the observed value of the response for each one of the predicted value be returned


shall the number of miss classed be returned


minimal value for Norm2(Xi) and \(\mathrm{det}(pp' \times pp)\) if there is any missing value in the dataX. It defaults to \(10^{-12}\)


an optional vector of 'prior weights' to be used in the fitting process. Should be NULL or a numeric vector.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


an optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


should info messages be displayed ?


arguments to pass to cv.plsRmodel.default or to cv.plsRmodel.formula


Predicts 1 group with the K-1 other groups. Leave one out cross validation is thus obtained for K==nrow(dataX).

A typical predictor has the form response ~ terms where response is the (numeric) response vector and terms is a series of terms which specifies a linear predictor for response. A terms specification of the form first + second indicates all the terms in first together with all the terms in second with any duplicates removed.

A specification of the form first:second indicates the the set of terms obtained by taking the interactions of all terms in first with all terms in second. The specification first*second indicates the cross of first and second. This is the same as first + second + first:second.

The terms in the formula will be re-ordered so that main effects come first, followed by the interactions, all second-order, all third-order and so on: to avoid this pass a terms object as the formula.

Non-NULL weights can be used to indicate that different observations have different dispersions (with the values in weights being inversely proportional to the dispersions); or equivalently, when the elements of weights are positive integers w_i, that each response y_i is the mean of w_i unit-weight observations.


An object of class "cv.plsRmodel".


list of NK. Each element of the list sums up the results for a group division:


of K matrices of size about nrow(dataX)/K * nt with the predicted values for a growing number of components




of K matrices of size about nrow(dataX)/K * nt with the predicted values for a growing number of components


list of NK. Each element of the list sums up the results for a group division:


of K vectors of length about nrow(dataX) with the numbers of the rows of dataX that were used as a training set




of K vectors of length about nrow(dataX) with the numbers of the rows of dataX that were used as a training set


list of NK. Each element of the list sums up the results for a group division:


of K matrices of size about nrow(dataX)/K * 1 with the observed values of the response




of K matrices of size about nrow(dataX)/K * 1 with the observed values of the response


the call of the function


Nicolas Meyer, Myriam Maumy-Bertrand et Frederic Bertrand (2010). Comparing the linear and the logistic PLS regression with qualitative predictors: application to allelotyping data. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique, 151(2), pages 1-18.


Work for complete and incomplete datasets.

See also

Summary method kfolds2coeff, kfolds2Pressind, kfolds2Press, kfolds2Mclassedind, kfolds2Mclassed and kfolds2CVinfos_lm to extract and transform results from k-fold cross-validation.



#Leave one out CV (K=nrow(Cornell)) one time (NK=1)
bbb <- cv.plsR(object=yCornell,dataX=XCornell,nt=6,K=nrow(Cornell),NK=1)
#> NK: 1 
#> Leave One Out
#> Number of groups : 12 
#> 1 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 2 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 3 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 4 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 5 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 6 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 7 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 8 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 9 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 10 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 11 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> Warning : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < 10^{-12}
#> Warning only 5 components could thus be extracted
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 12 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
bbb2 <- cv.plsR(Y~.,data=Cornell,nt=6,K=12,NK=1,verbose=FALSE)
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> Loading required namespace: plsdof
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> NK: 1
#> [[1]]
#>                AIC    Q2cum_Y LimQ2_Y       Q2_Y  PRESS_Y      RSS_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0 82.01205         NA      NA         NA       NA 467.796667        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 53.15173  0.8809146  0.0975  0.8809146 55.70774  35.742486 0.9235940
#> Nb_Comp_2 41.08283  0.8619560  0.0975 -0.1592015 41.43274  11.066606 0.9763431
#> Nb_Comp_3 32.06411  0.7471041  0.0975 -0.8319956 20.27397   4.418081 0.9905556
#> Nb_Comp_4 33.76477 -0.2159389  0.0975 -3.8080607 21.24240   4.309235 0.9907882
#> Nb_Comp_5 33.34373 -5.9182568  0.0975 -4.6896417 24.51801   3.521924 0.9924713
#> Nb_Comp_6 35.25533         NA  0.0975         NA       NA   3.496074 0.9925265
#>              AIC.std  DoF.dof sigmahat.dof    AIC.dof    BIC.dof GMDL.dof
#> Nb_Comp_0  37.010388 1.000000    6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514 27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1   8.150064 2.740749    1.8665281  4.5699686  4.9558156 21.34020
#> Nb_Comp_2  -3.918831 5.085967    1.1825195  2.1075461  2.3949331 27.40202
#> Nb_Comp_3 -12.937550 5.121086    0.7488308  0.8467795  0.9628191 24.40842
#> Nb_Comp_4 -11.236891 5.103312    0.7387162  0.8232505  0.9357846 24.23105
#> Nb_Comp_5 -11.657929 6.006316    0.7096382  0.7976101  0.9198348 28.21184
#> Nb_Comp_6  -9.746328 7.000002    0.7633343  0.9711322  1.1359501 33.18348
#>           DoF.naive sigmahat.naive  AIC.naive  BIC.naive GMDL.naive
#> Nb_Comp_0         1      6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514   27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1         2      1.8905683  4.1699567  4.4588195   18.37545
#> Nb_Comp_2         3      1.1088836  1.5370286  1.6860917   17.71117
#> Nb_Comp_3         4      0.7431421  0.7363469  0.8256118   19.01033
#> Nb_Comp_4         5      0.7846050  0.8721072  0.9964867   24.16510
#> Nb_Comp_5         6      0.7661509  0.8804809  1.0227979   28.64206
#> Nb_Comp_6         7      0.8361907  1.1070902  1.3048716   33.63927
#> attr(,"computed_nt")
#> [1] 6
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] ""

#6-fold CV (K=6) two times (NK=2)
#use random=TRUE to randomly create folds for repeated CV
bbb3 <- cv.plsR(object=yCornell,dataX=XCornell,nt=6,K=6,NK=2)
#> NK: 1 
#> Number of groups : 6 
#> 1 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 2 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 3 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 4 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 5 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 6 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> Warning : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < 10^{-12}
#> Warning only 5 components could thus be extracted
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> NK: 2 
#> Number of groups : 6 
#> 1 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 2 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 3 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 4 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 5 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> Warning : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < 10^{-12}
#> Warning only 5 components could thus be extracted
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> 6 
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ****________________________________________________****
bbb4 <- cv.plsR(Y~.,data=Cornell,nt=6,K=6,NK=2,verbose=FALSE)
#> ____************************************************____
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Component____ 4 ____
#> ____Component____ 5 ____
#> ____Component____ 6 ____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> NK: 1,  2
#> [[1]]
#>                AIC    Q2cum_Y LimQ2_Y        Q2_Y  PRESS_Y      RSS_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0 82.01205         NA      NA          NA       NA 467.796667        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 53.15173  0.8717888  0.0975  0.87178879 59.97678  35.742486 0.9235940
#> Nb_Comp_2 41.08283  0.8655349  0.0975 -0.04877819 37.48594  11.066606 0.9763431
#> Nb_Comp_3 32.06411  0.7987642  0.0975 -0.49656495 16.56189   4.418081 0.9905556
#> Nb_Comp_4 33.76477 -0.2747687  0.0975 -5.33470178 27.98723   4.309235 0.9907882
#> Nb_Comp_5 33.34373 -6.9570063  0.0975 -5.24192173 26.89791   3.521924 0.9924713
#> Nb_Comp_6 35.25533         NA  0.0975          NA       NA   3.496074 0.9925265
#>              AIC.std  DoF.dof sigmahat.dof    AIC.dof    BIC.dof GMDL.dof
#> Nb_Comp_0  37.010388 1.000000    6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514 27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1   8.150064 2.740749    1.8665281  4.5699686  4.9558156 21.34020
#> Nb_Comp_2  -3.918831 5.085967    1.1825195  2.1075461  2.3949331 27.40202
#> Nb_Comp_3 -12.937550 5.121086    0.7488308  0.8467795  0.9628191 24.40842
#> Nb_Comp_4 -11.236891 5.103312    0.7387162  0.8232505  0.9357846 24.23105
#> Nb_Comp_5 -11.657929 6.006316    0.7096382  0.7976101  0.9198348 28.21184
#> Nb_Comp_6  -9.746328 7.000002    0.7633343  0.9711322  1.1359501 33.18348
#>           DoF.naive sigmahat.naive  AIC.naive  BIC.naive GMDL.naive
#> Nb_Comp_0         1      6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514   27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1         2      1.8905683  4.1699567  4.4588195   18.37545
#> Nb_Comp_2         3      1.1088836  1.5370286  1.6860917   17.71117
#> Nb_Comp_3         4      0.7431421  0.7363469  0.8256118   19.01033
#> Nb_Comp_4         5      0.7846050  0.8721072  0.9964867   24.16510
#> Nb_Comp_5         6      0.7661509  0.8804809  1.0227979   28.64206
#> Nb_Comp_6         7      0.8361907  1.1070902  1.3048716   33.63927
#> attr(,"computed_nt")
#> [1] 6
#> [[2]]
#>                AIC    Q2cum_Y LimQ2_Y       Q2_Y  PRESS_Y      RSS_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0 82.01205         NA      NA         NA       NA 467.796667        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 53.15173  0.8947954  0.0975  0.8947954 49.21438  35.742486 0.9235940
#> Nb_Comp_2 41.08283  0.8729353  0.0975 -0.2077856 43.16926  11.066606 0.9763431
#> Nb_Comp_3 32.06411  0.6213697  0.0975 -1.9798240 32.97654   4.418081 0.9905556
#> Nb_Comp_4 33.76477 -0.5920348  0.0975 -3.2047210 18.57680   4.309235 0.9907882
#> Nb_Comp_5 33.34373 -7.5864994  0.0975 -4.3934117 23.24148   3.521924 0.9924713
#> Nb_Comp_6 35.25533         NA  0.0975         NA       NA   3.496074 0.9925265
#>              AIC.std  DoF.dof sigmahat.dof    AIC.dof    BIC.dof GMDL.dof
#> Nb_Comp_0  37.010388 1.000000    6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514 27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1   8.150064 2.740749    1.8665281  4.5699686  4.9558156 21.34020
#> Nb_Comp_2  -3.918831 5.085967    1.1825195  2.1075461  2.3949331 27.40202
#> Nb_Comp_3 -12.937550 5.121086    0.7488308  0.8467795  0.9628191 24.40842
#> Nb_Comp_4 -11.236891 5.103312    0.7387162  0.8232505  0.9357846 24.23105
#> Nb_Comp_5 -11.657929 6.006316    0.7096382  0.7976101  0.9198348 28.21184
#> Nb_Comp_6  -9.746328 7.000002    0.7633343  0.9711322  1.1359501 33.18348
#>           DoF.naive sigmahat.naive  AIC.naive  BIC.naive GMDL.naive
#> Nb_Comp_0         1      6.5212706 46.0708838 47.7893514   27.59461
#> Nb_Comp_1         2      1.8905683  4.1699567  4.4588195   18.37545
#> Nb_Comp_2         3      1.1088836  1.5370286  1.6860917   17.71117
#> Nb_Comp_3         4      0.7431421  0.7363469  0.8256118   19.01033
#> Nb_Comp_4         5      0.7846050  0.8721072  0.9964867   24.16510
#> Nb_Comp_5         6      0.7661509  0.8804809  1.0227979   28.64206
#> Nb_Comp_6         7      0.8361907  1.1070902  1.3048716   33.63927
#> attr(,"computed_nt")
#> [1] 6
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] ""

#> CV Q2 criterion:
#> 0 1 
#> 0 1 
#> CV Press criterion:
#> 1 2 3 
#> 0 0 1 
#> CV Q2 criterion:
#> 0 1 
#> 0 2 
#> CV Press criterion:
#> 1 2 3 4 
#> 0 0 1 1 